Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bolder Boulder 10k 2015

I had a lot of fun at the Bolder Boulder 10k this year and thankfully the weather was perfect. I was a little worried that it was going to rain because of all the rain we’ve had recently but it held out for us and it turned out to be a great race.

I got up early to get ready for the race; Hershey wasn’t having anything to do with getting up that early so he stayed in bed. I know his eyes look scary, it was dark, 

 I’ve always been kind of worried about eating before a race, sometimes I go without eating but this year I decided to eat a Cliff bar before the race. I’m not sure if it helped at all, my stomach bothered me a little bit in the beginning of the race so I may have to experiment with a different pre-race food in the future.
For those you who have never run this race, it is a pretty big deal. Thousands of people run it every year and there are always crazy costumes. One of my friends saw someone dressed as the abominable snowman and said he was exhausted by mile two. The way the Bolder Boulder is organized is by qualified and unqualified waves. The qualified waves start earlier, starting with AA and so on. I was in the qualified wave EA with a 7:11 start time.

During the race I felt surprisingly good. I hadn’t been training nearly as much as I should have been so I was a little worried that I would push myself too hard. However, I listened to my body and pushed myself just enough I feel.  I ended up with a time of 53:21. I just wanted to break my time last year which was around 54 so I was quite happy with my time.
Here’s my mile splits:
Mile 1: 7:49 Mile 2: 8:21 Mile 3: 8:48 Mile 4: 8:50 Mile 5: 8:38 Mile 6: 9:08
I had some friends cheering me on around the 7k point so that helped out a lot. It gave me the extra push that I needed.
All in all, it was a great race with great weather and I can’t wait to run it again next year!

The race ends in a stadium, this was after the race, watching everyone finish. 

Have an awesome Tuesday!

What do you eat before a race if anything?

What's your best 10k time?

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