Saturday, August 1, 2015

Dogs As Exercise Partners

It’s been so long since my last post. Sorry, summer is a pretty busy time, as I’m sure it is for all of you.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how different my fitness would be if I didn’t have Hershey. I think I would still run, but I don’t think I would enjoy it quite as much. So I put a list together of all the great things about having dogs as exercise/running partners.

Why dogs make great running/fitness companions:

     1.   Motivation- Nothing motivates me more than thinking about how Hershey will benefit from a run. Even if I really don’t feel like running one day Hershey gives me that needed push because I know he will be miserable if he doesn’t get out, and that’s the last thing I want.

     2. (Silent) Companionship- Running with friends is great; knowing that someone is waiting on you gives you a push to get out of bed and go run. However, there are times when you just need a good solo run, some time to think and not worry about anyone else. I don’t know about you guys, but if I’m in a bad mood starting a run, I’d rather be alone so I don’t ruin anyone else’s day. Running with Hershey on those days though puts me in a little better mood, because I know he is there, loyally running by my side.

   3.  Safety- Especially as a girl, I feel a lot safer running with Hershey by my side. This is more for when I’m running on an unfamiliar trail but I love knowing that having a dog gives me a good level of protection.

    4. They make you look good- No matter how bad I look or think I look on the trail I know Hershey always looks adorable. Whenever I run with Hershey I always get smiles from people passing me no matter how bad of a hair/face day I’m having. (Or maybe they just feel bad for the crazy looking, wild haired girl trying to run and feel it’s best to smile :-P)
   5.   Accomplishment- Seeing Hershey tiered at the end of a run makes me feel like I accomplished more than just running. A tiered dog is a happy dog and having a tiered Vizsla is definitely an accomplishment!
      So there you have it, some great advantages to exercising with your dog. I don’t take Hershey on all of my runs but for the majority I do. Sometimes it is nice not to have to worry about holding a leash but then when I get back he’s jealous ;-).
      Doesn't this face just make you want to run?

     For those of you with dogs,
What kind of dog do you have?

Do you run with your dog?  How often?

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