Meet the Pup

 Meet Hershey, my running partner and best buddy. He’s a five year old Hungarian Vizsla. When I got him I was fourteen and was just getting started in running but my mom ran regularly and she wanted a dog she could take on her runs. So we did some research and found the Vizsla to be a perfect fit for our family! It was a great choice and I couldn’t be happier with him. I know everyone says this but he is the best dog ever and he gets cooler and more awesome each and every day.
It’s weird how your dog kind of molds into your personality and acts like you once in a while. I know that sounds weird but Hershey reminds me of myself quite a bit, sometimes in ways I’d rather him not. He loves people and dogs and if you give him a treat you’ll be his friend forever.
So that’s Hershey! I might add more to this page later so watch for some changes.

Hershey when he was just a little squirt!

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